One Post Type Oil Thrustor
- Brake
- One Post Type Oil Thrustor
- This thrustor is different from the previous ones which are used only for travelling and traversing motion. This design can be used not only for travelling and traversing motion but also for the hoisting motion as well.
And also we have minimized the weight(54% lighter than two post type), precision and the effect of heat dissipation(more than three times cooler comparing with the two post type) because the body of the thrustor is die casted with aluminium.
(1) High Power and Reliability
It smoothly works under worst conditions such as continuous and high frequent operations.
(Operation Frequency : 600 times/Hr)
Enclosure : IP65
(2) No Oil Leakage
It is equipped with five seals in upper and two in lower parts. These seals are specially designed that can stand against various
worst conditions such as in and outside dusts and inner oil pressure.
(3) Weight
The weight of this thrustor is around 54% lighter than the previous two post ones because the thrustor is made of
die-cast aluminium and the surface temperature stays below 60℃ even if it is used with high frequency operations,
since its thermal conductivity of cylinder is three times more than normal steel.
(4) Easy for Disassembling and/or Assembling
One post thrustor is composed of cylinder and motor, simple and easy for maintenance, and also easily to remove
from each other by just removing bolts only.
(5) Installation Conditions
Previous thrustors are installed only on a horizontal. However this one post thrustor can be set on a slant even
at ±40˚ normally works.
(6) Speed Adjusting Device (Open & Close)
The operation time of the thrustor can be adjusted up to 0.3sec ~ 6sec, and used not only for hoisting motion(for quick braking)
but also for travelling and traversing motion(for soft braking). Longer than 6sec operation can be optionally available.
(7) No Oil Pollution
The thrustor has a long life, because the cause of pollution is eliminated by specialized coating on the inside of thrustor.