
AC-DC Magnetic Drum Brake

  • Brake
  • AC-DC Magnetic Drum Brake
  • Magnet Brake
Magnet Brake (TB-DN Type)
This brake operates without voltage(B type), which is manufactured according to JEM1120 regulation, and applied DC motor to the cranes in mini-mill and heavy facilities.
Strong instant DC exciting magnet is applied to this brake which releases brake by means of attracting magnet, and closes as voltage comes to zero point.
Series and parallel controller box is required to transform starting excited to holding excited voltage. It is connected to DC power.

Standard Specifications

* Installation : Brake frame fixed type

* Enclosure : Dust proof type

* Input Power : DC200 / 100V, 1Ø

* Power Variation Allowance 

     Voltage : -15% ~ +10%

     Frequency : ±5% Total within 10%

* Max. Duty Frequency : 600 times/Hr

* Insulation Class : F Class

* Ambient Temperature : -15 ~ +40℃

* Paint Color : Munsell No. 7.5BG 6/1.5

* Duty Cycle : 1 Hour or continuous duty




      Braking Torque Type     Usage Rate
        Type 0,  Type 1        1 Hour
             Type 2      Continuous





* Limit switch for use of operation checking.

* Brake cover is for outdoor use only. 

* Steel dust cover for high temperature.







(1) No lubrication of rotating frictional areas 

     The brake is adopted with oil-less dry metal to the frictional areas(Conjunction Pins) not necessary to oil maintenance.


(2) Reduction of shocks

     Shockless to the motor shaft and brake drum by means of sealing cover that air dampers the gap between magnetic plates.


(3) Small and light

     Main structure is steel casting, good look, small and light.


(4) High reliability and practicality

     Suitable to high frequent use(600 times/Hr), continuous operation, hard working conditions.


(5) Easy to assemble / disassemble

     All the conjunctions areas are connected bolts and pins, and head coil is separated in structure.